"The Engulfed Worlds" - English TranslationLyrics originally by Nina WolmarkEnglish Translation by Paul Lunga and 'Nonoche'
Ever since the Big Cataclysm, the Arkadiens lived in the center of the Earth. They had all forgotten about the past, thus had their forbearers wanted it. Until the day where their sun, the Shagma, fell sick. Then the children of Arkadia dared to enter the forbidden museum. They recovered there some traces of the past but no plan for the Shagma. Then the children created and sent toward the surface of the earth their messenger: Arkana
You, child of the Earth listen to me
O you, children of light follow me
Get out of the night of the sea and of the time
O you, child of the sky walk fearless (CHORUS) *** BREAK MUSICAL ***
Follow the Engulfed Worlds