Multimedia: Images from the show
Thanks to Olivier Putschkar for the following record cover images:
Special thanks to Paul Lunga for providing the following screen captures:
Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea main title screen (from the episodes with the Menudo theme)
Les Mondes Engloutis logo
Les Mondes Engloutis logo with the closing credits
Closer view of the City of Arkadia
The Tehra
The Tehra flares
The Tehra flares
Shangor, Shangora, Bic, and Bac silhouetted against the Tehra
The Sages of Arkadia
The children of Arkadia present their masterpiece
Tehrig (as he appears on his interior viewscreens)
The group of heroes
The group of heroes
The group stands facing the Tehra
The group stands facing the Tehra
Spartakus points his wristguard at the Auracite
Spartakus' wristguard glows
The Auracite reacts to Spartakus
Spartakus, Matt, and Rebecca
Arkana uses her powers
Bic and Bac have a shocking experience
Bic and Bac
The group stands at Tehrig's viewscreen
Matt at Tehrig's controls
Rebecca and Matt
Rebecca, Bic, and Bac
Spartakus and Arkana
Spartakus and Arkana
Spartakus fires his weapon
A book with the symbol of the Tehra
The symbol of the Auracite
The Pirates' island seen through a telescope
The main group of Pirates sing
More Pirates
Even more Pirates
Nasty Max on a Minishark
Massmedia at her monitor
Massmedia sings
Massmedia in a Minishark
MightyMatt on the Magic Sea
French video(?) cover
Les Mondes Engloutis logo